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It seems that everything on Earth is connected. There is a condense matrix of interwoven connections among animals, still nature, climate, manmade industry, and more. Similarly, the Israeli tech and entrepreneurship industry constitutes a microcosm of exactly the same thing - here there is also a web of players who have different roles in driving the wheels of entrepreneurship and innovation, and who have a local and global impact.

Just like a startup, it is interesting and amazing to see that the evolution of Israeli startup industry began not so many years ago, and that it is constantly growing despite many internal and external challenges that it faces. Every year it continues to reach new heights, make waves around the world, and serve as a role model for industries in many other countries across the globe.

This local high-tech ecosystem is the theme of this project. Similar to other ecosystems in nature, it’s a diverse collection of people, organizations, and activities that together have made the Israeli high-tech entrepreneurship what it is - the startups that are changing the world; investors and venture capital firms that fund risky entrepreneurial endeavors; entrepreneurship programs that boost founders’ knowledge; open innovation activities in multinational corporations that form a bridge and collaborations across the world; the academia which helps to grow the next generation of entrepreneurs while fostering research; hubs that act as a connecting link between different industry players while providing a productive environment and space for

gatherings; and entrepreneurial communities that promote events, discussions, and human connection between peers, aspiring entrepreneurs, and globally known experts.

We have created this project for a number of reasons. Firstly, from the great love and respect that we have for this crazy, diverse, and unique scene. Secondly, from our desire to present some of the people and organizations that make this ecosystem what it is, for people in Israel and across the world. As there are thousands of active players in the Israeli entrepreneurial and high-tech industry and we cannot accommodate

them all here, a handful were chosen by a selection which will be explained on the following pages.

The COVID era has once again proved that long-term economic growth will be achieved by the determination and boldness of aspiring people, innovation, and technology. Crucial is the continued growth of groundbreaking startups that will continue to change the world and the way we eat, drink, travel, think, plan, create, and operate. Innovative breakthroughs help all of us make the world a better and more

advanced place, and a complete, diverse, and comprehensive ecosystem is the driving force behind those wheels.

Finally, and personally, a lot of work has been invested in this project. Our goal is to enable a slightly different and less tie-dying angle on the industry, and we hope that you will take inspiration from this while learning more about how this machine called the Israeli entrepreneurship industry is built.

We wish you, the reader, an enjoyable read and invite you to keep in touch with us.

Erez Gavish and Doron Simhi,

Project creators


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